Donor List

Thank you so much to everyone who has made a generous gift to The Denver Post Season To Share campaign this year. Your generosity has made it possible to grant $1,371,000 to 51 metro Denver nonprofit agencies that provide life-changing programs to help move our neighbors in need out of poverty toward stabilization and self-sufficiency.

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There are currently 107 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.

Lackner, Doris
Lackner, Robert and Patricia
Ladd, John and Liza
LaFleur, Jane and Dave
Lafollette, John
LaFond, Richard and Ann
Lalan, Judy and Gregory
Lamarre, Laura and Robert
Lamb, Frank and Karen
Lammermann, Christina and Stephen
Landes, Burrell and Sharon
Landon, Richard and Shauna
Lane, Chris and Lindsey
Lang, Thomas
Langley, James and Laurie
Lantz, Sharon
Larke, Frederick
Larremore, Ted
Lash, Bernard
Lasher, Robert and Gay
Lasky, Joseph and Beatrice
Lassen, Carol
Lasswell, Becky and John
Laurie, Kathleen
Laursen, Roberta
Laverty, Terry and Jean
Lawrence, Steven
Le, Jane
Leaman, Richard
Learch, Arthur and Ginny
Lee, Alene
Lee, Carol
Lee, Diane
Lee, Taffy and Richard
Leechild, Jane
Leeper, Sara
Lees, Fred and Marilyn
Lehigh, Anne and John
Lehti, Helen
Lehti, Manuela and Richard
Leib, Jeff
Leibbrandt, Joyce
Leigh, Bruce and Jean
Leigh, Mike
Lenneman, Sarah
Leritz, John
Lerner, Douglas
LeRossignol, Curt
Leslie, John and Sharon
Lester, Cheryl
Lettes, Mark and Barbara
Levey, Robert and Carol
Levi, Thomas and Margaret
Levinson, Simon
Levy, Denison
Levy, Martin
Levy, Stephan
Lewkowitz, Eudice
Ley, John and Katie
Licko, David and Elaine
Liggett, Mark and Lorraine
Lindimore, Wayne
Lindsey, David and Barbara
Lindsey, Dean
Lindstrom, Walt and Karin
Linke, Lynn
Lippert, Ed and Leslie
Liston, Dorothy
Litke, David
Little-Ladd, Paula
Lockhart, Ann
Lockhart, Sheri
Loftus, Susan
Logan, Thomas
Logel, Judith and Robert
Lohaus, Tom and Ann Marie
Lombardo, Karen and Stephen
Long, Elaine
Long, Jackie
Long, Jane
Long, Karen
Long, Margo
Longfellow, Gail
Longo, John
Loomis, Lucy
Lorton, Amy
Loughhead, Laurie
Lowe, Mke and Joy
Lowry, Jon
Lowy, Karen and Ron
Lozano, Maria
Luallen, Dean
Lubell, Gary and Elise
Luce, Terry
Lucero, Cipriano
Lund, Joan
Lupe, Bob and Carolyn
Lupo, John
Lurie, Mari
Luther, Nancy
Lutomski, Debora
Lutrell, Jerry
Lutz, Judy
Lynch, Judith
Lyons, Thomas

Kim SharpDonor List